Jordan Cooks
DuckDuckGo blocks trackers (unless they contractually agreed not to)
Thomas Claburn wrote in The Register this week about security research done by Zach Edwards into the DuckDuckGo browsers (available on most platforms near you, including my Android phone's default). DDG blocks third-party cookies but due to a contractual agreement for Bing search data, allows Microsoft's tracking scripts to run on third-party websites.
While the tracking code is not included on the DuckDuckGo search results - a separate product offered by the company to provide an alternative to Google Search - the multi-platform browser does not block the tracking scripts from loading. DDG's browser is pitched as a more-private alternative
Laterblerg: Trip to VanDusen Botanical Garden
Microblerg: "What The Hell Happened To The LA Marathon?" by Adam Conover in Defector
Adam Conover - whose name you may recognize from his excellent series Adam Ruins Everything - wrote in Defector last week about the various failures of design, infrastructure, and financialization in the Los Angeles Marathon. But as an ex-Angelino and non-runner myself, the best parts of the article are less about those things, and more about the motivation behind besting your past-self's milestones, why any on-foot out-and-back is a terrible design, and Adam's always-engaging storytelling.
Microblerg: Little Free Library hashtag content
This seems a little bit niche for a Little Free Library in a small town on the Oregon coast, I thought, until I went by it again a few days later and it was gone. Apparently that person knew exactly who their audience was, and I shouldn't have questioned them.